Christopher Busietta
Tenor and Music Teacher

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27 December, 2012 - Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! What did you do? I celebrated christmas with a performance of Don Giovanni at Theater Augsburg to a once again sold-out public! Not a bad evening at all.

I am currently working on material for the 13th Opera Ball at Theater Augsburg on the 26th January (also known as Australia Day). I am also doing a huge operetta concert with the Salonorchester Frank Lippe entitled Eine Operettennacht in Venedig at the Parktheater im Kurhaus Göggingen. So a lot of repertoire to prepare.

For the new year, I have written a new blog entry entitled Audition Tips - since "Audition do's and don'ts" sounded a bit preachy. Be sure to have a read!

11 December, 2012 - Two premieres and blog entries

Since the season has started I have opened two premieres - L'Étoile (playing Tapioca) on 2nd December and Don Giovanni (playing Don Giovanni) on 30th September. Don Giovanni in particular received rave reviews and most performances are already sold out, though the performance on 5th January, 2012 should still have some tickets available.

I have been regularly updating my blog for opera lovers and opera singers. The most recently is titled Theatre Traditions and Superstitions.

20 June, 2012 - Welcome to my brand new website!

It has taken many, many days and late nights of development, but finally my brand, spanking new website is here!

There are a ton of updates right now, as we get close to the end of the season, so what better time is there to launch the new site. Here’s what’s happening:

  1. Der Fliegende Holländer opens this Saturday at 8:30pm on the Freilichtbühne am Roten Tor.

    To celebrate this, I have written my first blog entry, Who is the Steersman in The Flying Dutchman?, which I plan to update monthly. Unfortunately, due to time restraints, this will only be available in English, but if you can read English then check it out.

  2. On 15th July I will be singing in the 4th Family Concert, Sonne, Mond und Sterne (Sun, Moon and Stars) with the Augsburger Philhamonie.
  3. My roles for next season have been announced. They are:

    Role: Opera: Composer Premiere/Revival Theatre
    Don Ottavio Don Giovanni Mozart 30/09/2012 Theater Augsburg
    Gaston La Traviata Verdi 4/11/2012 Theater Augsburg
    Werner Ritter Blaubart Reznicek TBA 2012/2013 Theater Augsburg
    Tapioca L'Étoile Chabrier 2/12/2012 Theater Augsburg
    1st Soldier Violenta Korngold 1/05/2013 Theater Augsburg
    Florian Döblinger Der Ring des Polykrates Korngold 1/05/2013 Theater Augsburg
    Junge Diener Elektra R.Strauss 9/03/2013 Theater Augsburg
    Stimme eines Jungen Seemanns / Ein Hirte Tristan und Isolde Wagner 29/03/2013 Theater Augsburg

If you want to keep up-to-date outside of this website, you can also follow me now on Twitter and Facebook, as well as joining my mailing list if you would receive e-mails on these news updates as they happen.

Enjoy the new website and enjoy the music! Until next post...

Friday 11th May, 2012

It's been a long time since my last post, and the end of the season is approaching. I have just finished my last performance of Emil von Reznicek's Ritter Blaubart and also my last performance in the Großes Haus of Theater Augsburg. From now on we are onto the Freilichtbühne for open air performances, where I will be playing Der Steuermann Dalands in Der Fliegende Holländer.

My roles for next year have been announced and include Don Ottavio in Don Giovanni, the revival of Ritter Blaubart in which I will once again play Werner.along with roles in La Traviata, L'étoile, Elektra, Tristan und Isolde and a Korngold double bill.

Thursday 2nd February, 2012

It's a late Happy New Year! I've recently debuted as Alfred in Die Fledermaus, followed by hugely successful performances in the 2012 Opera Ball and in the Concert for the Living in Malta, which was a benefit for the Hospice.

Coming up this month is the revival of Henry Purcell's King Arthur, as well as a performance at Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz as Fatty in Die Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny, whilst rehearsing for La Traviata and Ritter Blaubart. Whew!

More photos and news will be available soon! Until then, happy new year :).
Design and Content of this site © 2001-2012, Christopher Busietta.
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